Cute Little Summer Bugs
Yes, I'm writing a blog about a bug, but only because I think this one in particular was pretty cool.
It's not unusual for me to come out in the morning and find my front porch littered with bugs that seem to have had, what must have been, the epic battle of their lives (literally). In fact it's so common, it's become a favorite breakfast spot for our neighborhood roadrunner.
This little guy, I found on my windshield, which strangely enough is also common for leaf bugs. What made this guy so interesting is when I would accelerate, he would lean in and brace himself as though, he was downhill skiing. When I would stop, he would slowly turn around and watch me and though he was waiting for me to start going again. And when I would start to go, he would tun back around and lean in. It was a pretty entertaining drive. He was cute.