Elena Bean is 16

Elena, Today is your birthday and I wanted to write you a little note to tell you how proud your dad and I are of you (just like everyday).

Your birthday gives us the opportunity to reflect on the blessing of being your parents. We are beyond thrilled God has given us a front row seat to watch all of the wonderful things you are going to do and become as you grow older.  I think about how sweet you were when you would come over and spend the weekend with us, and how excited we were waiting for you to move in. Years have past and you've only gotten sweeter and more loving. Your beautiful heart and your willingness to serve anyone and everyone around you is an example to all of us. You are so devoted to God and it shows in all your actions and your words. Today was your last day of your first semester in college, and you did wonderfully. You really took responsibility and rose up to the challenge even when your mom was too busy to help. I love how every baby you meet just loves you and becomes your bff. I love how you find it absolutely obsurd and hilarious when people ask you if your blonde hair and blue eyed brother is adopted. I love that time when you hit on Captain America without even knowing it. And I love how you don't even notice everyone admiring how pretty you are (including Captain America).  We are so blessed by your presence in our lives and couldn't live without you.

You've asked us not to do anything for your birthday since you've been planning a "summer party under the stars" for months (Sweet 16.5 party date June 2018). So tonight, we will make your favorite dinner and talk about what we like about you. There may even be a gift or two (I heard some rumers of frozen burritos) We love your stinkin guts. -Mom
