Raelynn turns 10 years and 12 months.

My sweet girl you have been counting down the days until you become a teenager for about 2 years now, and although I am totally not ready for you to grow up and be big, I guess it will be okay for you to turn 10 years, 12 months and 1 day, now. (this post is late because we were too busy celebrating you) You are so fun my Raelynn, right now your life revolves around softball, and massage therapy. You've already planned out your 13th birthday where you and I are going to get massages so you can see how the professionals work. This year you asked for a low key birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse with some family friends and the traditional Frost for dessert. You also wanted a backpack with a built in charging pocket, a wallet and a photoshoot. Your dad says, you are so pretty I should find you a modeling gig, and not just the hand modeling kind he's been trying to get you to do since you were 2. At dinner we went around the table and everyone said what they loved about you. Man you sure are special to everyone.  From your baby sister who said the best thing about you is that she loves you so much, to your big sis who says she loves that you are always there for her, ready to play with her.  You have brought so much joy to your mom and dad's life. We are so blessed that God gave you to us, We love everything about you my (good) smelly Rae.  Keep on serving God with your whole heart and he will guide your path into greatness. love, Mom