No More Babies
So I've been thinking lately. Doug and I are in the last few months of our lives that we will have a baby/toddler. We've had a baby/toddler in our home..since before we had a home. Before we were a family... first came babies, then came our family. Julie will be turning 3 in a few months... that's crazy.
As she helps me clean out her baby shoe bin... she protests her favorite high heals getting tossed out and she's sad that they don't fit anymore. But I've done this before so I know the one thing that comforts her protest, is the promise of the future. The possibilities that come with getting rid of the old and making room for the new. (She's getting good at shoe shopping)
It's kind of sad, but kind of hopeful when I also take on her mindset.. that what I am losing so fast is making room for the future. As much as I love when my kids are little, tiny, precious and helpless, I also love when my kids become self sufficient, capable, strong human beings. I'm looking forward to the things that are possible when there isn't a baby on my hip. We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us as we move from being the parents of a bunch of small babies to the parents of a bunch of halfway grown children.