All of my babies
To each and every one of my babies, even after you are grown.
I can not tell you, in words, how much God has blessed my life with each of you. You all have filled my days with more happiness and joy that I can ever recount. My life has been satisfying and fulfilled with the everyday joys of being your mom. There was nothing better in this world then to snuggle, cuddle you all. Just the sweet smell of your neck would take away any fear, anxiety, or stress I may have had. I spend hours each day just thanking God for you all and lifting you up in prayer. God is soo good. He loves us so much.
When I think back on these days that I am in, this season in my life where things are busy and life is hectic, I wouldn't change any of it for 1 minute. None of it. I love being your guys' mom. I love to be with you everyday, and the few minutes a day and few hours a week that I have to go be someone else or do something different are just torture. You all mean too much to me.
Tonight, we started a discussion on my hopes and dreams for you all. In life, I want you to choose God above everything else. God chose us, to love more than anything, we can do it back.
God is so great and he wants a personal relationship with me...and you..Nothing should ever get in the way of that. Always prioritize God above everything else. There is nothing more important. This world will go, it isn't eternal, the one thing that will remain is Jesus.
The reason I write this is because I want you all to know that no matter what happens in my life, because you all are with me, I have lived a great life and nothing will every change that. I look forward to spending eternity with you all (some of the best people God created)