Shoe shopping with Eva

Remember Birkenstocks, well I don't know if you've noticed, but they are making a's tough to see things that just went away, come back. It's like these 15 year old’s are experiencing them for the first time. Like they don't have the stigma of the past attached to these things...oh wait they are, and they don’t. 

Well I'm not, and I do. So when my 15 year old comes to me and says with complete excitement in her voice "have you seen these Jesus shoes, they are awesome"


that's me...and that was the face I made.

Those are not Jesus shoes, they are grandma shoes...they are not awesome, the are for gardening. 

she insisted that I buy them..I agreed but only with the understanding that everytime she wears them, she is wearing the same shoes her great grandmother used to wear. She laughed and agreed.

Then she came home and showed her dad and said "do you remember these berkenshire shoes" to which he said "yeah, you can wear socks with those" "I know!", she says



