V is 15

My beautiful daughter is a teenager,  and though I knew this day was coming..I was hoping we could hold it off until she was 25.

Tonight, March 31, at approximately 7:25, somebody asked my beautiful daughter for her phone number....while her siblings were listening.....while she was at dinner. ...with her parents.

Somehow I completely missed it. I think I was engrossed in conversation with Doug 

But my first thought was "that boy must've been awfully bold " 

To which Eva replied "He wasn't that bold he sent his sister"

The little girl came over and said "see the guy over there, he wants to know if he can have your number" pointing to a boy who was standing half way out of the door peaking around the corner. 

And what do you think my daughter replied?! I had to know, she had to have been caught completely off guard. Would she give a boy her number?  Was she ready for that?  Whose number would she give him? The house line?  Mine or her dad's cell phone? Hummm.

This was intriguing to me, I tried to get her to reenact it exactly as it played out, so I could share it with all of you. She refused, I could only snap this picture. 



I remember the first time a boy asked me for my phone number, I was 16..or 17...I think. ..ok so I don't remember it exactly, but I do know I had my own cell phone already.

Anyway, back to her, don't you want to know what she said to the little girl?

Nothing, she said nothing to the little girl, she looked up at the boy, smiled at him and shook her head and her finger "no"

She's so much cooler than I ever was.  

I gave my number to the first boy to ask for it. Our one and only conversation went something like this

"want to go out sometime?" "No, not really"

"want to come over sometime" "no thank you"

"want to hang out somewhere" "uh no, not really"

and that was it.

When I asked her why she said no, she said, "he didn't even ask me himself, that doesn't count."

She's cute.