Julie is TWO!
Dressed for Potty Training
Juliana, Parenting, Life as TenJill MichelPotty Training, Fashion, Clothes, What to Wear, Cutie pie, Getting Big, Growing Up, Raising Kids
Mastering the park
10 months.
V is 15
Big Girls
Mother/Daughters Shopping
Big Family Problems, Juliana, Life as Ten, ThomasJill MichelBig Brother, Little Sister, Skins, Love, Skin to Skin, Babysitting, New Born, Getting Big, Loving Her, T2theGForce, T2theG, Thomas, Julie
Day 8
Our First Family Dinner
4 is a Magic Number
Oliver turns 2!
Growing up.... sniff sniff
Life as Ten, OliverJill MichelOliver, ovi, potty, big, boy, growing up, Potty Training, Getting Big, Raising Kids, I'm a big boy now
Boys riding bikes