Bed Sharing
Oliver Meets The baby
Big Family Problems, Juliana, Oliver, Life as TenJill MichelBig Brother, Little Sister, Loving Her, New Born, She's a Girl, She's Here, It's a Girl
The Baby is Here!
So Close
Almost There
It's Time!
4 is a Magic Number
Precious Little Baby Hats!
Final Baby Appointment (38 Weeks)
Oliver turns 2!
Growing up.... sniff sniff
Life as Ten, OliverJill MichelOliver, ovi, potty, big, boy, growing up, Potty Training, Getting Big, Raising Kids, I'm a big boy now
Boys riding bikes
Cute Little Summer Bugs
It's been a while
Mother's Day
Parenting, Life as TenJill Michelmother's day, baby, children, kids, moms, husband, parents, 8th, Sunday, family, Big Announcement, Boy or Girl?
My precious little Oliver
Everyone should have a husband like mine